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The Civic
Energy Cycle
1. Initiation
2. Planning
3. Roll-out
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Show Civic Energy Cycle
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Phase: Planning

Business model surveys

The COBEN project has taken a deeper look at the business models of various civic energy initiatives around Europe. Here you can get insight into our tested and proved array of Civic Energy business models and an overview of what constitutes their core.
What is the name of your civic energy initiative?
Local Energy Cooperative 'Zonnige Start'
Where is your initiative located?
Nieuw-Weerdinge, municipality of Emmen
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [1.]
financial benefits: lower energy bill for cooperative members
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [2.]
economical benefits: keeping profits of renewable energy within the local economy
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [3.]
economic benefits: boosting entrepreneurship/ economic dynamism
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [4.]
social benefits: reduce energy costs for lower incomes
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [5.]
social benefits: organising community driven projects to stimulate social cohesion
What are the key enabling factors that will make the benefits achieveable? [1.]
Servicepoint Locally Generated Emmen
What are the key enabling factors that will make the benefits achieveable? [2.]
Cooperative Development Team Locally Generated Emmen
What are the key enabling factors that will make the benefits achieveable? [3.]
Public Financing (municipality and province of Drenthe)
What are the key enabling factors that will make the benefits achieveable? [4.]
Zip code tax reduction regulation (national tax reduction scheme for cooperative energy)
Legal framework
How would you rate the importance of the individual enablers? [{KeyEnablingFactors_KEF01}]
How would you rate the importance of the individual enablers? [{KeyEnablingFactors_KEF02}]
Critical and decisive
How would you rate the importance of the individual enablers? [{KeyEnablingFactors_KEF03}]
Critical and decisive
How would you rate the importance of the individual enablers? [{KeyEnablingFactors_KEF04}]
Critical and decisive
Has the technical process planning been completed? / Has the planning of all tehnical aspects of the civic energy process been completed?
What are the key technical elements of the energy supply chain? [1.]
contracting roof space and trafo capacity from a local farming estate
What are the key technical elements of the energy supply chain? [2.]
buying and installing 954 solar-pv panels
What are the key technical elements of the energy supply chain? [3.]
contracting and installing 5 km ground cable for grid connection
What are the key technical elements of the energy supply chain? [4.]
contracting DSO for power distribution
What are the key technical elements of the energy supply chain? [5.]
securing tax reduction through application with the national tax authority
What are the key technical elements of the energy supply chain? [6.]
contracting energy supplier
What energy sources are used in this model? [1.]
Are reliable data for energy turnover available yet? / (Refferring to the sum of all involved forms of energy turnover)
How would you estimate the annual energy turnover of your initiative?
Is the undertaking profit-oriented or not-for profit?
Has the initiative been supported in any way by public funding?
If so, what planning or implementation elements were funded? [1.]
ground cable for grid connection subsidised by the municipality of Emmen
If so, what planning or implementation elements were funded? [2.]
budget for buying solar-pv panels lend by the municipality of Emmen (50%) and revolving fund province of Drenthe (50%)
Have your investment calculations been completed?
How high is the initial and total investment needed to lauch and maintain the civic energy initiative? [Iinitial investment:]
How high is the initial and total investment needed to lauch and maintain the civic energy initiative? [Total investment:]
Which sources of income does the civic energy enterprise generate? [Income source 1:]
energy trading
Which sources of income does the civic energy enterprise generate? [Income source 2:]
coopveative membership fees
Which sources of income does the civic energy enterprise generate? [Income source 3:]
kickback fee energy supplier
How would you classify your organisational model or archetype?
Energy cooperative
Has the legal form of your initiative been finalized? / Has the legal form (e.g. limited company or non-profit association) of your initiative/orgaisational model been finalized?
Which legal form has been selected for the initiative?
Who are the key stakeholders? [1.]
cooperative members
Who are the key stakeholders? [2.]
municipality of Emmen
Who are the key stakeholders? [3.]
EOP's (village/community counsils)
Who are the key stakeholders? [4.]
National Tax Authority
Who are the key stakeholders? [5.]
Enexis (DSO)
Has the ownership of your energy supply chain chain clarified?
Who owns the supply chain? [1.] / [Shareholder/Owner]
The cooperative/ cooperative members
Who owns the supply chain? [2.] / [Shareholder/Owner]
Estate Scholtenzathe
How many households are enrolled or directy involved? / [Customers]
Which are the key enterprises or service providers involved in implementing the initiative? [1.]
Scholtenzathe (farming estate, owns roof, trafo)
Which are the key enterprises or service providers involved in implementing the initiative? [2.]
Enexis (DSO)
Which are the key enterprises or service providers involved in implementing the initiative? [3.]
Groenleven (provider solar panels)
Which are the key enterprises or service providers involved in implementing the initiative? [4.]
Engie (energy supplier)
Which are the key enterprises or service providers involved in implementing the initiative? [5.]
DEO (revolving fund province of Drenthe)
Which are the key enterprises or service providers involved in implementing the initiative? [6.]
Tax Authority (application for energy tax reduction regulation)
How is the management of the organisation structured? [Supervisory function:]
board of the cooperative
How is the management of the organisation structured? [Management:]
board of the cooperative
How is the management of the organisation structured? [Operation:]
board of the cooperative
What roles do the key enterprises or contracted service providers play in the running of the initiative? [{KeyEnterprises_KE01}][Role]
making roof space and trafo capacity available
What roles do the key enterprises or contracted service providers play in the running of the initiative? [{KeyEnterprises_KE02}][Role]
grid connection and power distribution
What roles do the key enterprises or contracted service providers play in the running of the initiative? [{KeyEnterprises_KE03}][Role]
providing and installing solar panels
What roles do the key enterprises or contracted service providers play in the running of the initiative? [{KeyEnterprises_KE04}][Role]
metering, billing, trading
What roles do the key enterprises or contracted service providers play in the running of the initiative? [{KeyEnterprises_KE05}][Role]
What roles do the key enterprises or contracted service providers play in the running of the initiative? [{KeyEnterprises_KE06}][Role]
granting tax reduction
What role does the community play? [Permit authority]
What role does the community play? [Adviser]
What role does the community play? [Funder]
What role does the community play? [Operator]
What role does the community play? [Initiator]
What role does the community play? [Political supporter]
What role do consumers play?
Consumers are cooperative members. Roles: initiator, co-owner, operator, communication/marketing
Has a structured risk assessment been conducted?
What are the identified risks for the success of the initiative? [Risk 1]
not enough members enrolled
What are the identified risks for the success of the initiative? [Risk 2]
lack of management capacity of the cooperative board
What are the identified risks for the success of the initiative? [Risk 3]
lack of entrepreneurship in the cooperative board
What are the identified risks for the success of the initiative? [Risk 4]
not enough volunteers for a cooperative board
How would you rate these identified risks for the success of the initiative? [{IdentifiedRisks_IR1}]
How would you rate these identified risks for the success of the initiative? [{IdentifiedRisks_IR2}]
How would you rate these identified risks for the success of the initiative? [{IdentifiedRisks_IR3}]
How would you rate these identified risks for the success of the initiative? [{IdentifiedRisks_IR4}]
Has legal security been achieved for the initiative?
What is the target date for the take-off of your civic energy enterprise? Or when was it launched?
2018-10-01 00:00:00
Have any other communities considered adopting your civic energy business model?
Which other communities are in the process of adopting your civic energy business model? [1.]
Zonnedorpen 't Zand
Which other communities are in the process of adopting your civic energy business model? [2.]
Which other communities are in the process of adopting your civic energy business model? [3.]
What is the current status of the adoptation process? [{OtherCommunitiesName_OCN1}]
Adoption completed
What is the current status of the adoptation process? [{OtherCommunitiesName_OCN2}]
Adoption completed
What is the current status of the adoptation process? [{OtherCommunitiesName_OCN3}]
Adoption completed
Which additional aspects are central to your business model? [1.]
Participation open to all citizens, no investment needed, participation based on monthly membership fee
Which additional aspects are central to your business model? [2.]
value/ ownership accumulation in the cooperative by paying back loan with profits on energy trade
Which additional aspects are central to your business model? [3.]
collective ownership means collective management by members
Which additional aspects are central to your business model? [4.]
decision making by all cooperative members (on how to invest profits in the community)
Which additional aspects are central to your business model? [5.]
individual profits dependent on tax reduction regulation for local energy communities (zip code regulation)