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The Civic
Energy Cycle
1. Initiation
2. Planning
3. Roll-out
4. Reflection
Show Civic Energy Cycle
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Phase: Planning

Business model surveys

The COBEN project has taken a deeper look at the business models of various civic energy initiatives around Europe. Here you can get insight into our tested and proved array of Civic Energy business models and an overview of what constitutes their core.
What is the name of your civic energy initiative?
Municipal wind energy development - ontwikkeling van wind energie op gemeentelijke gronden
Where is your initiative located?
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [1.]
CO2 reduction
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [2.]
financial return for municipality and/or citizens
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [3.]
realisation of climate and/or environmental projects
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [4.]
community control of benefits
What are the targeted benefits of your initiative for the community? [5.]
support base for wind energy infrastructure
What are the key enabling factors that will make the benefits achieveable? [1.]
interest of project developers to develop wind turbines with respect to local council conditions
What are the key enabling factors that will make the benefits achieveable? [2.]
spatial permit
Legal framework
How would you rate the importance of the individual enablers? [{KeyEnablingFactors_KEF01}]
Critical and decisive
How would you rate the importance of the individual enablers? [{KeyEnablingFactors_KEF02}]
Critical and decisive
Has the technical process planning been completed? / Has the planning of all tehnical aspects of the civic energy process been completed?
What energy sources are used in this model? [1.]
Are reliable data for energy turnover available yet? / (Refferring to the sum of all involved forms of energy turnover)
Is the undertaking profit-oriented or not-for profit?
Has the initiative been supported in any way by public funding?
If so, what planning or implementation elements were funded? [1.]
spatial planning
Have your investment calculations been completed?
Which sources of income does the civic energy enterprise generate? [Income source 1:]
surplus energy trading
How would you classify your organisational model or archetype?
Energy cooperative
Has the legal form of your initiative been finalized? / Has the legal form (e.g. limited company or non-profit association) of your initiative/orgaisational model been finalized?
Who are the key stakeholders? [1.]
provincie Oost-Vlaanderen
Who are the key stakeholders? [2.]
adjacent citizens and companies
Who are the key stakeholders? [3.]
nature conservation groups
Has the ownership of your energy supply chain chain clarified?
How many households are enrolled or directy involved? / [Customers]
How many households are enrolled or directy involved? [Co-owners]
Which are the key enterprises or service providers involved in implementing the initiative? [1.]
Vlaams Energiebedrijf (VEB)
Which are the key enterprises or service providers involved in implementing the initiative? [2.]
wind farm developer (under negotiation)
Which are the key enterprises or service providers involved in implementing the initiative? [3.]
How is the management of the organisation structured? [Supervisory function:]
municipality Geraardsbergen, VEB
How is the management of the organisation structured? [Management:]
wind farm developer (under negotiation)
How is the management of the organisation structured? [Operation:]
wind farm developer (under negotiation)
What roles do the key enterprises or contracted service providers play in the running of the initiative? [{KeyEnterprises_KE01}][Role]
energy service company
What roles do the key enterprises or contracted service providers play in the running of the initiative? [{KeyEnterprises_KE02}][Role]
energy generation, grid connection, billing
What roles do the key enterprises or contracted service providers play in the running of the initiative? [{KeyEnterprises_KE03}][Role]
DSO, grid
What role does the community play? [Permit authority]
What role does the community play? [Adviser]
What role does the community play? [Funder]
What role does the community play? [Operator]
What role does the community play? [Initiator]
What role does the community play? [Political supporter]
What role do consumers play?
Has a structured risk assessment been conducted?
What are the identified risks for the success of the initiative? [Risk 1]
non questionable procurement procedure
What are the identified risks for the success of the initiative? [Risk 2]
spatial permit
What are the identified risks for the success of the initiative? [Risk 3]
creation of environmental fund
How would you rate these identified risks for the success of the initiative? [{IdentifiedRisks_IR1}]
How would you rate these identified risks for the success of the initiative? [{IdentifiedRisks_IR2}]
How would you rate these identified risks for the success of the initiative? [{IdentifiedRisks_IR3}]
Has legal security been achieved for the initiative?
Not yet achieved
What is the target date for the take-off of your civic energy enterprise? Or when was it launched?
2023-06-01 00:00:00
Have any other communities considered adopting your civic energy business model?
Which other communities are in the process of adopting your civic energy business model? [1.]
What is the current status of the adoptation process? [{OtherCommunitiesName_OCN1}]
Transfer consultations in process
Which additional aspects are central to your business model? [1.]